Here are days 20-25 of my #30 Lists project. You can see the rest of my pages here. I've been listing them here 5 at a time, but somehow forgot to include #20 in the last group. I was originally going to post my lists via Instagram every day - haven't really kept up with that. Oops! The important thing (to me) is that I've kept up with this project pretty well this time. I think making the book ahead of time was key for me.
Day 20: Things comforting me this week.
Day 21: My food pyramid. This is in the order that I like food, not necessarily the order in which I eat food. Sounds legit, right?
Day 22: Recent Dreams. I very rarely remember my dreams at night, so these are daydreams.
Day 23: Things People don't know about me because they don't bother to ask:
Day 24: How to have a better day:
Day 25: My family's quirks. I haven't named names, to protect the innocent. You know who you are. :)
September is over! Just one more post about #30 lists to come. Have I mentioned how much I heart this paper collection? Seriously!
I love reading each and every comment! Be sure to keep up with me on Instagram, Pinterest, and