
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Find Your Voice - Lesson Three Realizations

Saturday, August 3, 2013

So Lesson Three got me thinking more about storytelling. Why do I want to record stories? Which stories do I want to tell? How will I tell the stories?

When I first started this workshop, I didn't think I was really telling any stories. My goal was to write more detailed, richer descriptions for my Project Life. Generally, I don't want to read long stories about a single photo, so I want to keep things short and sweet. But I'm taking the word 'storytelling' too literally - I keep thinking that I have to write long stories in order to tell stories.

I'm realizing that 'storytelling' can take many forms - a painting, a mini album, a single photo, or a short description. I guess we all have our own styles and ways of expressing ourselves. Maybe just seeing the pictures or reading a short blurb about something that happened really is storytelling. No long essay necessary. I don't have to tell stories in the exact same manner that someone else does.

I'm realizing that I want to record memories so that I can relive those moments and allow others to imagine what the moments were like. But mostly because I don't want to forget them. I don't want to forget the funny behind-the-scenes, there's-no-picture stories that happened. I don't want to forget the smiles on our faces when something great happened. I don't want to forget that new restaurant we tried. I don't want to forget that time we had a mouse in our camper. I don't want to forget how Joe forgot his tux 3 times on our wedding day. There's a very long list of things I don't want to forget!

I know which stories I want to tell, but I need to figure out some steps to make the stories happen - maybe I need to add an extra journaling card to my Project Life each week to remember how I was feeling. I could use the pocket pages in my #findyourvoice Sn@p binder and write some short stories to practice. One of the exercises in this lesson was to make a mind map. I chose to make one about the stories I want to tell, but maybe I should make another mind map about how to actually make this storytelling happen!

Maybe I've been telling stories for longer than I've giving myself credit for. I think I just need to keep it up and keep trying new things and new techniques! I'm going to keep telling stories until I tell them exactly how I want to tell them - my own way!

Tomorrow I'll show the Creative Prompt I chose to use for week 3.

I love reading each and every comment! Be sure to keep up with me on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook!


  1. Your mini album is so pretty ! Interesting post about storytelling.

  2. That's really cool that you came to that realization, I sometimes wonder about that myself! Love how the book is coming along :)

    1. I had never really thought about some of these things until I started the workshop. Thanks Kimberly!

  3. So cute. It took me a while to realize that I keep memories for the same someone will read them later and so my words are preserved for me to enjoy later too. For the longest time I was asking why do it? Now I know. :)

  4. So cool this map, Yes I have to agree about the extra journaling block with PL the pictures only tell half the story the journaling tells of the rest of the story.

    1. Yup! It's really not complete without some journaling.


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