
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Find Your Voice - Lesson 2

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I'm very behind in posting (and completing!) the Find Your Voice workshop lessons. But I'm going to keep on keepin' on until I finish. It's not a race, right?? :)

Lesson Two is titled "Who Are You?" and had a couple of fun exercises in it. My favorite was to pick out 15 words to describe your personal identity. I've been admiring the pictures some other participants have been posting, and am so glad to have made my own! This picture will be going in my black All ABout Me smashbook very soon.

I used the Rhonna Designs iPhone app and added a mask to lighten my picture. Then I picked one of my favorite fonts to add the words. Quick and simple. I love how it turned out!

Which words would you use to describe yourself?? 

I love reading each and every comment! Be sure to keep up with me on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook!


  1. Love the look of the mask over the photo. This looks great!

  2. Fabulous job! I give you props for the words you used, lol my husband said I was bossy the other day and my mouth just dropped and look here you got it written proudly. 15 words, I'll have top think about that for a little while but I can see myself using the same words you got there. This is a cool lesson and a good edition for a smash book page

    1. Thanks Tina! As wonderful as I am (haha!), not everything about me is positive... although I don't really see "bossy" as a bad thing - it's better than just standing around waiting to be told what to do! lol!

  3. Love the way you put the words over the photo :)

    1. Thanks Fleur! I'm happy with how it turned out.

  4. beautiful job on the words. that's a tough one to do.


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