
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Is Anybody Out There?

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Hey! Long time, no see. Again!

So in the past week, a couple of bloggers I follow posted opposite things n their blogs... one announced she was officially moving on from the blog, and the other said she thought it was time to begin again with her blog.

I go through spurts (ok, maybe the last 2-3 years) where I wonder if I should bother with this blog anymore. I do like it. But it can be quite a bit of work to promote it and get eyes on it. Yes, there are tools to help but this isn't a money thing for me, so I don't want to pay for some of those options.

I like having all of my projects in one place instead of having to scroll through Instagram to find them. I miss following so many craft blogs... it was easier to pin their posts for inspiration on Pinterest instead of saving it on Instagram. I don't really remember to go look at my Instagram collections.

I go back and forth all the time and often realize it's been a couple months since I posted anything. So if only for my own personal interest, I'll continue sharing here and pinning on Instagram.

What are your thoughts?

I love reading each and every comment! Be sure to keep up with me on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook!

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