
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Project Life July and August 2016

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Many moons ago, I decided to do July-December 2016 in the Project Life app. My plan was to get those printed from Persnickety Prints and then embellish them when they got here.

So far, it's gone pretty well. I wish there was a way to do a 2-page spread in the app and see both sides. Balance is more difficult to achieve without seeing both pages. Unfortunately, I'm finding that I'm not super interested in embellishing them once they are printed. Ha! Not sure if that is because I'm kind of OVER 2016 PL *or* if embellishing the pages just isn't fun. We shall see. I'm still loving the ability to slip these pages into the page protectors and have a 12x12 layout anywhere in my album.

July left side: visiting with family, a lunch date at McAlister's, an Asheville trip, and trying to get healthy.

July right side: a Knoxville Zoo trip and the Fun Fest balloon glow.

August had 3 pages. First one: a yoga challenge, Tupelo Honey, and my Curvy Yoga workshop.

Page 2: Lots of little stories, including a silly pic of me and my craft room makeover.

Page 3 is about a yoga retreat I attended. So fun!

Have you completed any pages in the PL App? Do you like it?

I love reading each and every comment! Be sure to keep up with me on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook!

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