
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Currently - January 2016

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I hope 2016 is treating you well! Lately I've been...

  • working on a new adventure
  • relaxing with adult coloring books
  • drooling over Illustrated Faith
  • exploring my One Little Word (nourish)
  • dusting off my FitBit and tracking miles
  • reading on my lunch break (and sometimes before bed)
  • batch cooking freezer meals with my best friend
  • catching up on scrapbooking
  • planning our Las Vegas trip!
What are you up to?

I love reading each and every comment! Be sure to keep up with me on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook!


  1. Excited for your new adventure, Emily, and it looks like 2016 has gotten off to a busy start for you! I've been focused on a big project, trying to read more and get back to eating better. Haven't been very crafty so that's a bit of a bummer. :)

    1. My craftiness comes in spurts. I'm sure you'll be feeling crafty soon!

  2. Ooh Vegas trip sounds fun! Seems we have similar lives in part. My bff bought me adult coloring book for Christmas so have been doing a bit here and there. Also reading at lunch and before bed and while I don't have a fitbit I have started to get back into the swing of walks at work and hitting my treadmill and bowflex at home. Glad your 2016 has started off on a nice tempo.

    1. Yes we do have some similarities! Glad you've been able to get some exercise in!


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