
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Blue and Green Pyrex

Thursday, January 7, 2016

I've been collecting vintage Pyrex for many many years. About 10 years ago, I bought a restored Hoosier cabinet to display my Pyrex and I love it! About 2 or 3 years ago, I picked out my most favorite pieces and displayed them like this:

I've been wanting to sort my Pyrex by color so I could change out the display more often. I've been inspired by Instagrammers like Vampyrex and The Aqua Owl to create displays with coordinated colors for a holiday, a season or just my mood! Mom helped me sort and organize my collection this past weekend.

Here's the full cabinet: I store extra dishes and things in the bottom cabinet.

Do you collect anything?

I love reading each and every comment! Be sure to keep up with me on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook!


  1. This display is awesome! Your eye rests on each piece and it is beautiful!

  2. Beautiful display, Emily!

  3. Oh Emily love that cabinet and your display. Do craft supplies count as collecting ;-) I have a fondness for antiques and books but I don't actively collect..I really can't afford to at the moment. Right now my time is on short supply but would still love to head back east to some of those huge fairs/swap meets/etc. It's on my bucket list anyhow.

    1. Yes, craft supplies count!! lol I"d love to go to some of those swap meets too!

  4. That's lovely and awesome! I wish I collected Pyrex and could display it like that! Really great!

  5. Wow, love how different it looks with the sorta dishes!!


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