
Monday, February 23, 2015

Pocket Letters

Monday, February 23, 2015

Have you heard about Pocket Letters? I stumbled across a picture on Instagram and immediately fell in love. Basically it's a way to use pocket scrapbooking to write pen pals. I'm doing one time swaps instead of ongoing pen pals, but you can do either! It's standard to use baseball card dividers but some people are using different sizes.

I used a Simple Stories 6x6 paper pad to make this kit. Since these are one time swaps, I'm including a small "About Me" in each letter.

This is My Mind's Eye Market Street collection. I also used some gold MAMBI stickers. I included things like paper clips, washi, stickers, and tea.

I used pop dots to attach these wood veneers. Hopefully the recipient can remove them easily if she wants to use them in her scrapbooking.

I had some scraps leftover from Crate Paper's On Trend collection. 

I had fun using die cuts to make filler cards.

I love reading each and every comment! Be sure to keep up with me on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook!


  1. Such pretty letters, Emily, no doubt the recipients enjoyed them and I can't wait to get mine! xo

    1. Yes, I hope they (and you) enjoy the letters! I just mailed these in the middle of last week.. I hope they receive the letters this week!

  2. Love pocket letters. Its such a cute idea. And yours a lovley. Think who ever gets them will really live them :)

    1. Thanks, Camilla! It's really a lot of fun. No pressure, just plain fun crafting!!

  3. Never heard of pocket letters, very interesting. Yours are quite lovely I want to swap but alas I have way too much on my plate right now to commit, but maybe once things settle.

    1. Yeah Leslie, if you have time, just holler at me. I love swapping these.

  4. Something new and interesting. Yours very cute!!

  5. WOW! Never knew about these letters! Mostly likely do a one time deal if I have the time. Learn something new....cute designs!

    1. Yes, I like the one time deal so I can swap with lots of people!

  6. Replies
    1. Email me if you're interested in swapping - BYRDER at gmail dot com - also check out the Facebook group called Pocket Letter Pals

  7. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!! So many great details!!

  8. This is a lovely idea, thanks for posting.

  9. This is verra cool! I did some pen pal stuff in the old Smashaholics group. Now that I'm all about Project Life, this is right up my alley!

    1. Oh cool! Yes, this seems to combine some of my favorites (Smashbooks, Project Life).

  10. I love this idea and your pockets are DIVINE!

  11. Very cool! I've never heard of this but now you've got me intrigued! :)

  12. Really *love* your style Emily! I found your blog searching pocket letters on Pinterest and immediately was drawn to your lovely coordinating dp, positive quotes and perfect embellishments! It would be a pleasure to trade PL's with you sometime. I've been a rubber stamping cardmaker and scrapbooker for years, but this is a FUN new interest. Check out my blog if you wish...

    1. I'm so glad you stopped by my blog, Pam!! I will definitely check out your blog. I'm a bit overwhelmed with Pocket Letters at the moment, so I'm not signing up for any more swaps right now.

  13. I'm new to planning and new to pocket letters. So fun!! I'd love to be added to your Facebook page.


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