
Friday, February 6, 2015

More Smashbook ideas

Friday, February 6, 2015

Okay so I haven't done a Smashbook page in about.... a year and a half. I grabbed one of my books off the shelf and thumbed through it. I love it! I don't know why I stopped. Well, I guess Project Life and other things got in the way!

Other ideas for Smashbook pages:

Black "All About Me" album:
1. Favorite Stores
2. Yoga
3. Aries traits
4. Favorite Stores

White "Wedding/Love" album
1. Joe getting ready for our wedding
2. a pic of me, Mom, and Dad before the wedding
3. the DIY projects Mom and I completed for the wedding,
4. Joe, the Most Interesting Man in the World
5. My bouquet

I'll have some smashbook pages to show you soon!

I love reading each and every comment! Be sure to keep up with me on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook!


  1. Really great ideas for Smash work!

  2. Can't wait to see :) Yep that is the reasons I haven't got into mine making so many layouts :) Really need to get back into my 50th year book

  3. I love your Smash pages. It's the reason I started following you! Of course I stuck around because I love your style for PL too!

    1. That is so nice of you to say!! Thank you. And I actually found some Smashboopk pages I never posted, so I'll be posting them next week!


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