
Friday, September 12, 2014

How to Create Curved Text on your Silhouette Cameo

Friday, September 12, 2014

Here's a quick tutorial on how to curve text on your Cameo. This is how I made those cute little custom banners on my Cameo for my friend's wedding board.

It's pretty simple once you get the hang of it! There's more than one way to do this, but here's the way I got it to work.

First, open up your banner. I used this one from the Silhouette Online store. I moved the background (the one I cut in black) off the mat.
 Then select the banner and duplicate it.
Select the Text box and write out your name or phase. Adjust the font and size to fit your project. Notice that little circle on the left side of my text? (double click your text to get it to appear on your screen). Drag that circle onto one of the lines of your banner.
 Now your text follows the path of the banner. Since this line is now a text path, it won't be cut.
 Over on the left side of your text, there is a line where you can move your text up and down. When I was making the banners, I couldn't get the text to go down far enough... So that's why I duplicated the banner and placed it over top of the text. That allowed me to get the text exactly where I wanted it to print.
And here's your final banner, ready to print and cut. Just print onto your paper. Then adjust your cut settings so that your Cameo blade will cut the outside of the banner.
You can place your text onto any shape - a circle, a square, whatever.

I love reading each and every comment! Be sure to keep up with me on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook!


  1. Wow, that's awesome! I had no idea about this!

  2. It's really useful!! I swear this Cameo does more than we could ever imagine.


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