
Monday, July 22, 2013

Project Life 2013 - Week 27

Monday, July 22, 2013

So here's my week 27 of Project Life. I actually wasn't really feeling it when I made these pages... but they've grown on me! I like them now. :)

Full 2-page spread:

Left Side: key lime pie at Cootie Brown's, new Waffle House opened, a mess at work, 4th of July, and Jonesborough Days.

We didn't do anything patriotic for the 4th of July, but I still added some fireworks to my layout.

This little pinwheel is from Michael's. I thought it looked cute on this Kraft card.

Right side: rainy day, baby robins in our tree (isn't it a little late for baby birds?), mosquito bites, a funny text, and FaceTime with my favorite puppy.

I'm still loving these slide frames from Crate Paper's 'The Pier':

I love reading each and every comment! Be sure to keep up with me on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook!


  1. Terrific PL, Emily, I love your phone conversation photo.

    1. Thanks Ruth. That text was too fun not to include!

  2. These look great! I love the pinwheel and how you used the frame on the bird photo.

    1. Thanks Lisa! I've used those frames a couple of times in my PL and I love them!

  3. Super spread this week love the pinwheel and the July 4 block. Framing the birds was a fab idea really bring your eyes to them. Cute pooch.

  4. Love the PL spread, your photos are really amazing! Love the added details like the pinwheel.

  5. Love the pinwheel, and how you used the frame to highlight the nestlings!

  6. Great PL spread, so many fun details you've added and you're right that pinwheel was a perfect on the card.

  7. That pinwheel is so cute! Love the photo re: the mosquito bites! I'm like that too...saw a story on the Today show recently about who is more apt to get mosquito bites. really interesting.

    1. Oh I'll have to google that segment... I get bitten every time I go outside! It's ridiculous. I've had to go to the MD this summer and get a pill for itching and a steroid cream :(

  8. I love those frames too! I may or may not have 2 packs of them!

  9. Love the frames and the photos of your dog! Great pages!


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