
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Week 1 - Find Your Voice Introduction

Saturday, June 29, 2013

I want to share my Week 1 of Kristin's Find Your Voice storytelling workshop. It's a free, 8-week workshop that just started last Monday. I'm helping sponsor the workshop and I think it's going to be fantastic! If you're just now hearing about the workshop, t's not too late to join the fun.

Week 1 is an introduction to the workshop and has some worksheets and prompts included. The worksheets get you thinking about why you're doing this workshop and what you want to get out of it. 

First, I completed the crafting prompt and created this album using a Sn@p binder, Crate Paper's 'The Pier' scrapbook paper, a slide frame, gold Thickers, colored shipping tags, and brightly colored Sn@p inserts. I usually just want to collect pretty paper and save them for 'later' but I decided to be bold and use this pretty stuff!

I love how the cover turned out!

I wrote 'week' on each tag and added gold Thicker numbers.

I just stapled the tags onto each of the Sn@p inserts. There were 8 pages in the pack - coincidence? I think not! ;) These inserts are reversible, and have fun patterns (chevron, strips, polka dots) in 8 colors.

I added a one-word title to the front of Week 1's Sn@p insert.

I printed out the lesson with 2 pages on each sheet of regular printer paper. I trimmed off about 1/4 inch from the top of the pages so the pages would be a bit smaller than the Sn@p inserts.

Prompt Two: Expand on 2-3 questions on the worksheet. I picked more than 2 or 3 :)

1. What is storytelling to you? What stories do you want to tell? Storytelling is a way to capture memories - a way to reminisce - a way to connect to other people. 
4. What are your favorite stories? (think movies, music, history, etc). What do these stories have in common? My faves are the Wizard of Oz, Gone with the Wind, Matilda, Harry Potter, Circle of Friends, The Joy Luck Club. All of these stories are full of detail, imagination, vivid imagery, and are long stories.
5. What styles do you find aesthetically pleasing? Modern, vintage, brightly-colored, doodles, geotags, sequins, shiny, flowing, pretty
6. Which storytellers do you admire? How can you pull from their style to enhance your own? (I was mostly thinking of scrapbooking and the type of pages I aspire to make). Amy Tangerine, Becky Higgins, A Beautiful Mess, Michelle Wooderson, Pam Garrison - to me, I can pull ideas about remembering every day stories.
7. What is your ideal story? What are you looking to get out of the FYV summer storytelling workshop? My ideal story makes you feel like you are there, reliving the moment, has rich detail and is visually descriptive. I want to capture my memories on paper. I want others to be able to imagine how the moment felt.

Have you completed Week 1 yet?

I love reading each and every comment! Be sure to keep up with me on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook!


  1. I really love you album, I've also got the Sn@p album in teal but I am going to use the page protectors as well. Not sure if you are. I love the bold glittery letters and numbers. I have written quite alot for the worksheet and I have an old typewriter I think I will use to type up my responses onto the papers. Look forward to seeing more of your album and class notes,
    Jo xxx

    1. Thanks Jo! I have the page protectors in the back of the album. I'd like to use them, but I'm not sure what I'll be doing with them at this point. The typewriter sounds fun! I'll be looking for your blog posts too

  2. I like how you put your album together. I am not sure if I am going to do a dedicated album or insert my stuff into Project Life. I did complete week 1. I answered the prompts on scrapbook paper and made a little collage.

    1. Thanks Robyn! Sounds like you're off to a good start. Did you decide if you were going to do a separate album?

  3. I just love your album. I never thought about actually printing out the pages and sticking them in the binder-very cleaver! I also love the idea of being able to flip to whatever lesson so easily! So excited to see more!

    1. Thanks so much! The print ends up being a bit small, but I can manage. I need to add fun stuff to my album like you did!

  4. Looks like a really good class topic. Your album is looking very fun and cheerful - love those gold glitter Thickers!

    1. Thank you Cindy! This class is great so far. I can't wait for more.

  5. Oooh, Emily, I love how you used tags to create dividers for your pages - super cute! I think I'm gonna borrow that idea (wink). Your responses to the writing prompt questions are short and sweet, but very insightful. I envy you on that one! And they helped me come out of my fog .. for some reason I just couldn't put my thoughts into meaningful words on a few of them. Kristin was right, this is going to be difficult! Thanks for sharing your first week!

    1. Borrow it, MargaretAnn! :) when I answer questions like those on the worksheets, I tend to jot down quick notes in list form, or like bullet points. They may not be complete sentences, but it makes sense to make. I'm so glad it helped you!!

  6. Oh, love your book, what a good idea for this class !


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