
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Find Your Voice storytelling workshop

Thursday, June 20, 2013

This summer I am super excited to be participating in and helping sponsor the Find Your Voice class at  It's a free eight week class that is all about embracing, finding and practicing with your storytelling voice.  I’m excited to further develop my storytelling and 'life documentation' and see everything else the community is going to be doing.  I will be sharing on here and possibly on Instagram, (with the hashtag #findyourvoice) and in the comments at  Join the Facebook group and share the excitement with all your friends! You can sign up here to have the weekly delivered to your email inbox!

There are no required supplies for the class, but I'm putting together a little kit using a Sn@p binder and pages. I've been wanting to use the Turquoise binder for something, and this is the perfect excuse! :)

Have more questions? Get your answers here!

Are you going to join me and participate??

I love reading each and every comment! Be sure to keep up with me on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook!

1 comment :

  1. Have fun with that, look forward to seeing what you do with it


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