
Friday, May 10, 2013

Heidi Swapp Memory File Adventure - Week 1

Friday, May 10, 2013

I'm having so much fun with this project! I'm really glad I made a little kit from my scrapbooking stash before I got started. That's made it so quick and easy to grab embellishments. I followed the instructions for Week 1 and it came together pretty quickly.

Be sure to check out my Memory File board over on Pinterest. I'll be pinning my creations, Heidi's blog posts each week, and other inspiring memory file adventures.

For the front page, I cut out the banner-shaped page with my Silhouette Cameo. The fabric Polaroid frame is from the Maggie Holmes collection. I took the "happy life" sentiment off another frame and put it on this one. I secured it with hot pink staples (that I got in a pack of blue, green, and pinks staples from Walmart for 88 cents!). I cut a short banner from Michael's Heidi Swapp Sugar Chic paper pad and added a Heidi Swapp word phrase.

I had already cut some blank chipboard memory files in half. I then glued paper to them using Zip Dry, cut off the excess paper with my X-Acto knife, and filed off the uneven edges.

This is my front cover. I'll be adding more to it. The inside of the cover is a pink striped paper.

This is how the pages will look when you first open the book. I cut all of these banner pages on the Cameo. I just made each page about an inch longer than the last to get this cascading effect.

The second page has 4 pictures of me on it. They're fastened to the page using a sparkly blue brad. I cut apart a scalloped banner and used each scallop as a tab. It's easier to separate the pictures with tabs on them.

This is the back of page 2 and the front of page 3. They're joined by a printable accordion book (available in the Week 1 instructions linked above). I haven't finished filling out the book yet, but it's very cute.

I may add more embellishments to this page. Right now, all I have is washi tape. I stuck a little round paper cut out behind the brad.

I cut apart another banner from the Heidi Swapp Sugar Chic papers. I used pop dots under the middle pennant to give it more dimension. I added a couple more pink staples just for fun.

How cute is the sparkly blue bow on this paper clip?? It's also from Heidi Swapp. The vellum is from another printable available on the Week 1 instructions. I filled it in with "went out with Joe". I put a picture we took right before going out to dinner for my birthday. I added some Heidi Swapp chipboard heart stickers to the front of the vellum.

 I put a chipboard "love" sticker to the paper underneath. On the chevron strip, I wrote "my birthday dinner 4/14/13" and added another heart sticker.

 On page 4, the instructions tell you to make an accordion booklet to introduce the "characters" in your life, using pictures and bios. I chose to use an old zebra print pocket and make little cards to go inside. I sprayed the pocket with Heidi Swapp's Color Shine turquoise spray. I used the same spray on the Color Magic arrow and star, and added a strip of black chevron washi tape across the top of the pocket. I printed "remember this" on some vellum paper to make this page.

These are the fronts of my character cards - I included my hubby, brother, parents, and dog. I embellished with chipboard heart and arrow stickers, a black sequined star, and another sparkly bow paper clip. I used these photo tabs from Pink Paislee's Secret Crush collection on each card and alpha stickers from Studio Calico's Sundrifter line.

This is the back of each card. I picked a photo of me with each character.

Well that's it for Week 1! Hope you've enjoyed looking at my version of the memory file album. I absolutely love it. Are you following this adventure with Heidi?

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