
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Project Life Week 6

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Week 6 was very eventful. Again, I had no problem filling up the spots. The biggest thing to happen was my pharmacy getting robbed on Thursday afternoon. It's the first time I've been robbed as a pharmacist, and I hope it will be my last! The police did arrest the guy and he is awaiting trial. 

Anyways, on to the less traumatic events of the week! My father-in-law had minor knee surgery to repair some torn cartilage, The Walking Dead season 5 premiered, I got cute little hearts on my nails for Valentine's Day, I made a Martha Stewart recipe for a tortilla and black bean pie (so good!), Joe and I had a really yummy dessert at Longhorn, and I had my monthly lunch date with a friend. We also went to Gatlinburg on Saturday for an early Valentine's Day. We walked around town all afternoon (and I finally found some boots!!!). Then we went to the Melting Pot for dinner. It was a super fun weekend with my favorite guy ;)

Full Week:

project life

 Left Side:

project life

Right Side: This was my first time using Design F and I must say, I love getting that many photos on one page!

project life

The card on the bottom of the right page is a menu of what we ate that night:

project life

Oh, did you want to see a close-up of those boots? Here you go :)

project life

Pretty awesome, huh?

I love reading each and every comment! 
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  1. Love the boots and the fun-do :) ... We use to have a Melting Pot ... but it closed this past year ... This week I am heading to cooking club and the theme is fun-do :) ... I'm bringing some dippers for the chic (banana, Strawberry and marshmallows) ... I can't wait!

    1. Oh fun! Those are some good dippers to bring. We had all of those with our dessert :)

  2. Love this layout it's so fun! cool boots and I love the menu, looks great food wish we had one here to try. Sweet!

    1. Thanks :) If you ever travel to a city where there is a Melting Pot, you should go. It's so good!

  3. I had not seen Design G before. It is really cool! Your pages look great.

    1. Thanks Robyn! I think G is one of my faves now.

    2. Oh Robyn - apparently this was design F - oops! Anyways, I still love it. Just wanted to let you know in case you were looking to buy it.

  4. 1st: I love your blog! 2nd: I love your PL style 3rd: I LOVE YOUR BOOTS! I wore a very similar pair in my wedding :)

    1. Aww thanks Jenny! I'm still figuring out the blog and PL. it's my first year for both :) I bet you looked awesome with boots at the wedding!! I have been searching for boots for a long time and I was so glad I finally found some!!


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