
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

30 Days of Lists: March 9 - 16, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

So I had a little bit of catching up to do on #30lists since I was on vacation. I did not do any crafting while I was out of town... I just kept the daily email and made my lists when I got back. I wasn't so inspired by the pages in my SMASHbook this go around... if I do #30lists again, I think I'll make up a new page each day so they will coordinate (or at least make sense!) Anyways, onto the lists!

Day 9: My "ought do" list. I checked off the ones I actually did that day.

#30lists, 30 days of lists

Day 10: I'm craving... this one was easy because we left for vacation that day.

#30lists, 30 days of lists

Day 11: Things I do every morning. 

#30lists, 30 days of lists

Day 12: Things I do every evening

30 days of lists

Day 13: My causes

30 days of lists

Day 14: Role models

30 days of lists

Day 15: Ways I save money

30 days of lists

Day 16: this month's soundtrack

30 days of lists

I love reading each and every comment! 
Be sure to keep up with me on
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  1. Cute and fun lists, really like how you spiced up the pages and enjoyed the role models you chose not the typical ones. tfs.

    1. Thanks Tina, I appreciate the feedback on the role models page. That was a really hard list for me to make!


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