
Friday, February 1, 2013


Friday, February 1, 2013

One day I stumbled across a blog with a fantastic idea - Kristin's "Currently" project. The point is to stop right now and take a look around - and document what you're doing right now. It just takes a minute. Hers is a weekly project, but I'm going to do it monthly on this blog and Instagram weekly in my new Project Life book!! This is a great thing to include in PL. Here's my first #currentlylist


Oh, and I *just* jumped on the Project Life bandwagon just a couple of nights ago. All my stuff came from Amazon today and I can't wait to get started on it this weekend. I have some catching up to do for January (scrapbook weekend, hells yeah!) While I had a great time doing PL in my Smashbook last year, I think I'm ready to do it in a more traditional PL style. With lots of scrappy elements. And no card collection from PL. I'm not forgetting this year's mission - use my stash!!

Could you commit to the Currently project? It will be very neat to look back and see what you were into at that time.

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